Lavelle Dupree, 16th time Groove Cruise attendee, has only missed 1 Groove Cruise ever since its beginning! This was my third Groove Cruise, but my first time meeting Lavelle — and it was immediately clear to me why the #GCFAM keeps inviting him back. His energy is not only completely off the charts, but he is funny, charismatic, humble, and just a freakin’ blast! We talked to him about his career, the abrupt and random formation of Scooter and Lavelle, and so much more.

He also jumped on the first opportunity to support the kids at the Whet Foundation when Neon Owl gave him the invite. Having looked completely drained and beat from what was likely 1-2 hours of sleep and a long night of partying, Lavelle completely turned on as soon as we got to the kids. He champed up, brought them all headbands and was a complete kid magnet during our volunteer trip to support the kids from the orphanages in Mexico. It completely melted my heart. It is amazing to see a Groove Cruise veteran come out and play for a good cause and show much he really cares.

Lavelle Dupree Groove Cruise - Neon Owl

Lavelle Dupree Groove Cruise - Neon Owl

The Neon Owl crew managed to catch 2 of the incredible sets he threw down while aboard, and both his sets were hands down two of my favorites! One was as Scooter and Lavelle and the other one just by himself. The casino went NUTS! I swear that you could barely squeeze through without sweaty bodies being thrown at you. I sweated my face off, danced my ass off, and watched the crowd have even more fun than over at one of the bigger stages. The way he was throwing down, I could tell that Lavelle has definitely mastered the art of DJ-ing. We can’t wait to catch him on the next cruise, cuz this guy has proven he is here to stay as #GCFAM for life!

Lavelle Dupree by Veranmiky Groove Cruise - Neon Owl

Photo by Veranmiky

Lavelle Dupree Groove Cruise - Neon Owl

Check out the interview he did with Ajay below, and some pictures from the volunteer trip!

Filmed by: Bither Braun Studios