This past Movement Music Festival, I finally got the chance to catch Mister Joshooa (Joshua Guerin), the man, the maker, and the force behind much of what is Detroit’s music scene today. He kicked off the first day of the festival at the Waterfront Stage,and he completely killed it. After his set, we got to have quite the entertaining conversation, and I could tell why he was a force to be reckoned with. Having been in the scene for 2 decades now, you could tell right off the bat that he was super passionate and proud about being immersed and brought up in the Detroit music scene. I asked him to describe what it’s like for those who have not had the opportunity to experience the scene in this rooted city, and he explained it as a place where they don’t tolerate folks with big egos, as it’s all about the music.

“It’s not glamorous. We don’t do it for the money. You can’t put it in the box. But it is always real. It will always check you and put you in your place. There’s not a whole lot of room for egos in this city and that’s what I love about it.”

He went to University but realized it wasn’t for him. He ended up dropping out, moving to Detroit, and working in hospitality across different bars and restaurants. It was in hospitality where he met the man who would later on bring him in to create what we know today as the iconic TV lounge. Party by party, amp by amp, speaker by speaker, andbrick by brick Josh runs us through how they built this world-class venue . If you happen to be at the next Movement Music Festival, make sure that you come by the TV Lounge to check out Mister Joshooa’s annual curated party “OK COOL”. When I visited this unique venue, I got to see the sun rise and I felt that the place boasted its own attitude and personality, and it was definitely one for the books.

When we asked Josh what he felt most accomplished about he casually mentioned that he was proud of pulling his weight and being of value. Being an operator, and confident up on the decks no matter what goes down. Success to him is always in the process, not the destination. Josh is happy doing what he does and has respect for the people he does it with. 

Watch the full interview for some more fun facts and words of wisdom from the man himself. You can also catch a cameo from a special guest using three words to describe Joshua (spoiler alert: it’s hilarious).

You can catch Mister Joshooa at some of his upcoming shows here:

Listen to Mister Joshooa’s Movement Detroit 2023 set:

Watch the interview below!

Be sure to follow Mister Joshooa on socials: